“man”slaughter in Bells Corners

Drug smuggler pleads guilty to “womanslaughter” in sordid Bells Corners sex shooting.

Yaali called Khalid a peasant and told him the “girl” was all his. “No doubt we shouldn’t even be beefing over b———-,” Khalid texted. The bigger insult was the hit to his pride.

“The fact that you called me a goof set me off, so take that back and we all good.”

Then Khalid cleaned and oiled his Colt 45 handgun before he and his friend, armed with a knife, left the house to look for Yaali.

New business in Bells Corners to treat drug addicts.

Methadone is not enough.

$1200/month + utilities to rent the basement of this place.

Shortage of homes for sale in Bells Corners.

Rush hour traffic in Bells Corners was horrific after a two-vehicle crash closed Robertson between Eagleson and Moodie.

Grade 12 students at Bell High.

Basketball coach dies before his trial.

La Folie furieuse at Franco-Ouest.

Student struck by car after getting off a bus at Tarquin/Tybalt.

A dangerous spot for pedestrians.

Innocent victim remembered.

Breakfast price war with Scotty’s?

Igloo on the strip.

Catholics get an early start on Saint Paddy’s in Bells Corners.

Too much Watson? Cat fight in Bells Corners!

Rick Chiarelli’s lifelong corrupt reign may be coming to an end as Jim sics a “bobblehead” on his arch-enemy. Time to get a real job?

Rick fights back with a “grassroots” campaign to oust the milquetoast mayor.

Is Rick paying Mike Patton, Ken Gray or Sue Sherring to run the Rick-for-mayor anti-Watson campaign?

Is “Joe Smith” really Don Robertson channelling Earl McRae?

Don Robertson: “This town (politically-speaking) has razor sharp animal teeth.”

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1 Response to “man”slaughter in Bells Corners

  1. Joe Smith says:

    Greetings, OttawaOwl.

    My shadow-banning is an absolute disgrace that proves beyond a *shadow* of a doubt that Mr. Watson’s grip on power extends even to Twitter itself. What kind of a society do we live in when a concerned citizen such as myself can’t even publicly advocate for the current mayor being replaced by a more capable candidate, such as Rick Chiarelli?

    It is simply unacceptable that Mr. Watson, as a democratically-elected public official, would wield his power like a battle ax and chop down any attempt at the very democratic process that got him where he is to begin with? This behaviour only serves to underscore the fact that we need to do everything in our power to have Mr. Chiarelli throw his hat in the mayoral ring and send Mr. Watson and his vile brand of absolute power packing!

    We suburban dwellers will not stand for such manipulation from “downtown”! I for one will continue my efforts on behalf of those who would like to see our good councillor run for mayor, and if I can’t do so on platforms such as Twitter, well by gum I will take it to the streets, as it were, whether that means creating an alternate “Team Chiarelli” via cold calling, direct email or simple face-to-face networking. I’ll do whatever I can to build this movement from the ground up, beyond the current mayor’s powerful reach. And build it I will!

    I will not be deterred, Mr. Watson! Your shadow ban is useless when I can simply pick names out of the phone book or cull email addresses from the world wide web. I am cruising the information superhighway in top gear, leaving you to watch in total helplessness as my tail lights disappear into the night. Anyone who cares to hop in can get ahold of me at rickchiarelli4mayor@mail.com, but buckle up, as this is sure to be a white-knuckle run!

    (I had the good fortune of finding a 3.5″ AOL installation diskette packed away in an old box in the attic this morning, so if Mr. Watson wants to underestimate the advanced tools at my disposal, it will be at his own political peril!)

    Joe Smith

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