Bells Corners shooting #16

Bells Corners is on the map – 16 17 shootings already this year!
Police on the scene.
Ottawa Sun’s version.
CTV gets the address wrong.
Great job by the CBC.
Help! Call the cops!
Police brass need to pick up their game.
Are we safe in Bells Corners?

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14 Responses to Bells Corners shooting #16

  1. ottawaowl says:

    The victim used to work at Fitz’s place in the Bells Corners Best Western.

  2. ottawaowl says:

    The shooting victim has died. She was shot in the neck on Easter Sunday.
    Was she caught in a crossfire in a gunfight? Four other people were at the home on Sonnet Crescent when a man showed up at the front door with a gun around 5 a.m. A man inside the house also had a gun, sources told CBC News. Police are still trying to determine which shooter fired the fatal shot.

  3. ottawaowl says:

    French CBC:

    Selon CBC, tôt en matinée dimanche, un homme armé aurait tenté de défoncer la porte de l’immeuble du croissant Sonnet où habitait la victime. (A guy tried to break down the door.)

    Le colocataire de Christina Voelzing, se serait présenté à l’entrée et aurait été menacé par un homme armé. La victime aurait voulu s’interposer entre son colocataire et l’homme armé. Une quatrième personne, également armée, serait arrivée sur les entrefaites. (The victim tried to get between her roommate and the guy. There was a fourth person who also had a gun.)

    C’est à ce moment-là que Christina Voelzing aurait été atteinte de plusieurs coups de feu, entre 3 et 6 au total. Les policiers tentent de déterminer d’où provenaient les tirs. (The victim was hit by between 3 and 6 bullets.)

  4. ottawaowl says:

    Christina Voelzing died taking a bullet from a gun aimed at her roommate. The Algonquin student lept into the line of fire during a gunfight.

  5. ottawaowl says:

    Aside from a 2013 impaired driving conviction, Voelzing did not have a criminal record, but friends said that in recent years she had been involved in troubled, and at times violent, relationships.

    Postmedia has learned that police are also probing the killing for links to the sex trade.

    Voelzing was just weeks away from graduating from a victimology program at Algonquin College, where her mother is chair of general arts and sciences.

  6. ottawaowl says:

    Facebook groups are invaluable for breaking local news, publicizing worthy causes, etc. but professional journalists are held to a higher standard – all facts have to be checked before publication.

    Is it fair to criticize reporters for revealing sordid details of the victim’s past while at the same time spreading the rumours even deeper into her Bells Corners neighbourhood?

  7. puzzled says:

    Going on a week now and no official announcements of arrests or suspects, when the police obviously have a good idea of who was involved and what happened. What is going on with this case? Absolutely bizarre.

  8. ottawaowl says:

    Ottawa Citizen:
    “A former boyfriend of the victim in the Bells Corners Easter Sunday shootout that killed Christina Voelzing was arrested without incident on Friday in the Greater Toronto Area.

    Voelzing, 24, was mortally wounded early Easter Sunday morning when two of her former lovers exchanged gunfire inside the apartment she shared with two roommates. Around 5 a.m., police believe Yaali kicked in the front door and began firing inside the home at 11D Sonnet Cres.

    Another man inside the home, believed to be Voelzing’s former boyfriend whom she had recently rekindled a relationship with, also had a gun and the two exchanged gunfire.

    Friends told Postmedia the Algonquin College student, who was weeks away from completing a victimology program, died after a gun that was initially pointed at her roommate was fired at her. She leapt in to intervene and was shot in the neck. Police allege Yaali pulled the trigger.

    Voelzing had no vital signs once at hospital, but was revived and taken into surgery. She was kept on life support for several days so that her organs could be donated and so that her brother, who lives in Dubai, could return to Ottawa to see her. Voelzing died from her injuries three days after being shot.

    Friends alleged that both Yaali and the second gunman in the house were involved in drug activity. Police had been probing any connections the gunmen had to the sex trade.

    Yaali has never been convicted of a crime in Ontario. In 2011, he was charged with drug possession but that charge was later withdrawn. He does, however, have an American criminal record.

    On July 24, 2012, Yaali was arrested at the Miami International Airport with 7.78 kilograms of cocaine that he smuggled into the country from Ecuador.”

    Her friends told CBC News that the victim went to high school with Yaali.

  9. ottawaowl says:

    Accused killer charged, father and sister in court
    Behnam Yaali, 23, appeared by video link in an Ottawa courtroom Saturday morning. He was in lockup at the Elgin Street police headquarters after being arrested in the Greater Toronto area Friday night.

    Yaali, who was Voelzing’s former boyfriend, stated his name and affirmed that he understood the charges against him. He was ordered not to communicate with any member of Voelzing’s family, and was also barred from contacting seven witnesses named in court.

    Yaali’s father and sister and another unidentified supporter were in court, but declined to comment. Yaali is represented by defence lawyer Deanna Paolucci, who specializes in criminal, family and refugee law. He will be held in custody and is due back in court on Monday.

  10. Lisa Trump says:

    Bells Corners killer sentenced to death for farting? Sometimes it’s tough to tell the difference between fake news and real news.

  11. Citizen says:

    One of the Westcliffe killers pleads guilty to manslaughter in a sordid drug-fuelled sex shooting.

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