white powder lockdown

This was the scene about a year ago, when a bomb threat shut down the top-secret government buildings on Fitzgerald.
The big media sent crews to cover the event, but curiously there was almost NO mention of it afterwards, online or in print. Was the story killed because the editors decided that it wasn’t newsworthy? Or were there other reasons for a news blackout?
Something similar happened today – emergency teams were called in to deal with a suspicious white powder that had set off a lockdown. For two hours Revenue Canada employees outside taking a smoke break couldn’t get back in, and workers inside couldn’t go out for lunch on the strip.
CBC annoyed the Canada Revenue Agency bigwigs by breaking the news this morning – they wanted to keep the incident secret. Employees were instructed not to leak anything to the media, but the Citizen obtained more info. A tempest in a teapot?
Maybe – employees were told that the powdery substance was only “rice flour.” But is that the whole story?
It’s NOT the “Canada Customs building” despite what it says on the sign in front of 25 Fitzgerald. Customs has moved to a nearby building, leaving the entire building to CRA and other top-level agencies.
Next door to the Harper government headquarters, many hundreds of call centre employees were too busy having fun to worry about being poisoned by terrorists.
The employer had this obstacle course set up as part of an “employee appreciation day.”
Millennium1 Solutions puts on free barbecues (just like Rick!) every once in a while to thank the many hundreds of workers who man the phones for a minimum of $11.90/hr.
They’re currently hiring customer service reps (CSRs) – $2 extra/hr if you’re bilingual.
The people I talked to liked the working conditions, and said the pay was “okay.”
No Montreal-style drama here!
A Coco Inc. employee called the $3M intersection expansion “organized chaos,” but I think he was joking. The skilful Coco workers are always ready to help out pedestrians and guide them through the changing landscape.
Can you spot the pedestrians?
Bells Corners West scores low in “walkability.”
Today was the last day for these guys, who have spent most of the summer fixing up the prematurely-aging brickwork on the Days Inn.
They’re finally done.
Restrictions on turning have meant lower sales for many strip businesses.
Work continues on the expansion of our Canadian Tire.
More roof work on the solar panels above Adrian’s Garage
cheap cars and discount hot tubs – Bells Corners has it all
classy “we’re open” sign at Al’s – he’s STILL looking for a buyer
The semi-private fun day tomorrow in “Sycamore Park” runs from 10 to 2.

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1 Response to white powder lockdown

  1. wanderer says:

    Love the French joke! What’s with the Sycamore Park name?

    – I guess it’s just a careless “typo” – marketing the fun day was a slapdash affair, and attendance was scanty in spite of the fine weather. For the secretive LVCA, it wasn’t about HOW MANY community members show up – WHO shows up is much more important.

    Rick and a couple of his “interns” made the rounds, making sure that everything was in order.

    Pretty sad to see private interests trumping the public good.

    I’d love to see the financials for this semi-private, self-promotional Coffee & Company event – how much it cost, who subsidized it, etc. – but transparency is NOT on the their agenda.

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