more road-widening!

Why weren’t Bells Corners residents invited to this recent public meeting?
Which roads around Bells Corners will be widened?
Are they going to pave paradise?
Which roads will be widened? (answer – Old Richmond Road and Hunt Club)
Is it legal to ride your bike on the path here? (probably not, but it’s a lot more pleasant than sharing space on the speedway with the cars)
Why are these people so happy? (the kid loves his new used bike and Dad likes the $5 price tag)
Hate grubs? How much does it cost to grow a new lawn from seed? (a bundle! but less than having new sod put in)
Where is this Bells Corners BBQ? (behind the former Loeb’s)
Where is this? (maragaret nailed it: the Canadian Tire back in the “good old days of Nepean” when Mary Pitt and the Great Ben did the deals)
Is Adrian’s garage powered by solar panels? (nope, the panels generate expensive energy for the grid, but Adrian’s garage, the liquid gym and Bensun’s aren’t connected to them)
Where is there live acoustic music every Thursday? (Brew Table)
Where is the Bells Corners airport located? (near the private tennis courts in Lynwood Park)
Who is this guy? (a high school student who volunteers at Recyclore)
Is the Bells Corners tennis club public or private? (it’s controlled by a pretty tight secretive clique)


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3 Responses to more road-widening!

  1. margaret says:

    why was BC not invited to a road-widening meeting … do tell
    could the answer be that it’s only to help Kanata residents

    – Rick’s buddy Hubley was there, of course along with his right-hand man, a recent graduate from Carleton U’s “fartcatcher” programme.

    Most of the residents at the meeting were from Bridlewood – they’re heavily car-dependent in a poorly planned neighbourhood, and the brutal traffic has them up in arms. Hubley blanketed the area with invitations to the meeting – he knew that no one would notice an obscure ad in the Citizen.

    In theory it’s only the beginning of the environmental assessment, but after listening to Hubley, the City planners, the NCC people and the consultants working for the developers, it seems clear that Hubley’s preferred car-centric “solution” (widening Old Richmond Road and Hunt Club near Bells Corners) has the inside track.

    It would have been nice if other Bells Corners residents had been at the meeting, but if you blinked you missed it.

    Rick made no effort that I know of to tell anyone – why would he? He’s not exactly a fierce opponent of road-widening, expanding the urban boundary and suburban sprawl. And no one in Bells Corners is complaining that they can’t get to Bridlewood fast enough.

    I only found out about the “open house” by reading this blog.

  2. margaret says:

    the old view is Robertson / Fitzgerald / edge of Moodie before the last tower went in on Fitzgerald … possibly late 90s
    and definitely before the car dealership use the pathway to park its cars 🙂

    as for the BBQ .. don’t think I want to know !

  3. ottawaowl says:

    The Greenbelt is under attack!
    The second community “consultation” next Thursday in Kanata is not about WHETHER we should invest public funds in suburban sprawl. It’s about HOW we deploy the heavy equipment and the tax dollars to expand traffic in the Greenbelt and help preferred developers.

    Alternative road widening designs (3 lanes with reversible lane and 4 lanes with a median) and intersection alternatives (signals and roundabouts) will be presented for comments, but the preferred design has already been selected.

    public consultation meeting
    Thursday, September 12, 2013
    6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
    Kanata Recreation Complex, Ground Floor Meeting Room
    100 Walter Baker Place

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