Greenbelt attacked?

I wonder if the politicians who LOVE to pose as fierce protectors of the Greenbelt have a comment on the “study” and Hubley/Jim/Rick’s suburban sprawl shenanigans?
Where are Rusty, Lisa and Pierre when you need them? What do Alex, Bill and Ron think of all this? Are they too busy permanent-campaigning to have even noticed this?
This is what we’re going to get. What do YOU think?

Sure, there’ll be more blah-blah, political posturing and photo ops, but it’s pretty much a done deal.
The need to build new roads in a car-dependent city is undeniable.
Still, it makes you wonder, no?
Are our no-goodnik politicians on the right track to protect our children’s future?


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3 Responses to Greenbelt attacked?

  1. margaret says:

    for what it’s worth …
    the 416 was built for cars so it needs feeders that carry the volume
    widening West Hunt Club is not an issue for me at all
    it should’ve been done when Hunt Club was first built in the mid 90s …
    but it was one of those numerous times when politics got in the way or they ran out of funds 🙂

    also widening ‘Old’ Richmond Road is a good idea – especially if it also goes north into Bells Corners …. after all there’s going to be so much traffic from somewhere to warrant that new intersection

    so to widening both now is a no-brainer
    these 2 roads already have established corridors through
    all that has to be done is slight trimming off the Greenbelt rather than make new roads through virgin lands
    and much better than what used to be in the books – the connection from Hope Side Road to Cedarview/416 … now that really would upset the NCC and its Greenbelt protection and Rick as one of the so-called founders of ‘save the greenbelt’ or whatever it was called.

    I’m all for saving our greenbelt … to a degree
    like no housing/retail/industrial or anything like that, stuff that is not nature related (even though the Greenbelt has always had these elements)
    but roads …. they are needed
    until the City decides not to allow further growth OUTSIDE the Greenbelt
    or it gets a major $$ windfall and provides a fantastic bus/rail system that provides a real service … and that won’t happen soon – if at all
    as this would require major rail systems which would cause more problems
    so roads will always be needed

  2. margaret says:

    and I hope they add lights too like we got for Robertson … might as well really open a can of worms with NCC while we’re at it … after all, these are no longer rural cuts but main arterial roads or whatever the buzz word is

    wonder if they get sidewalks?

  3. me says:

    I’ve heard rumours that the bears may be back in the Bells Corners greenbelt. Does anyone know for sure? One mauled my bird feeder last time, so I’ve put it in the garage just in case! Thanks.

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