a flawed strategy?

The $38K study that Alex and Rick ordered up concludes that the key to progress in Bells Corners is “eliminating or reducing development charges.” It calls on the City to commission a traffic study and “increase zoning.” Huh?
So that’s the strategy? Give big developers, many of whom make generous donations to RC’s war chest, a free tax ride? I wonder if Rick ran that by Jim, the City bean counters and the other councillors who want the goodies for their own wards? Many of them are still pissed at Rick for the Lloyd Francis Boulevard fiasco, so don’t expect them to bend over to help Rick.
The curious BIA “final report” also calls on the City of Ottawa to build (on the Vox site?) a multimillion sports/recreation/community centre/gym/swimming pool (no mention of Rick’s skateboard park), no doubt named after a famous local politician. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Owners of the Bells Corners strip malls are criticized in the report: “Some landlords have been cooperative, communicate well with their tenants and do upkeep and renovations. These, however, are apparently a minority.” I wonder who they’re thinking of? Here’s who got interviewed:
The BIA report calls on the plaza bigwigs to offer “low rents, generous tenant inducements, and give-aways.” I wonder how many will appreciate this piece of “free” advice?
bia appointments
If the mall magnates are giving away three months of free storefront space to WECA insiders, Recyclore would like some too please.
Rick’s overall plan seems to be to spend huge amounts of money ($5M?) to signalize Timm/Moodie and expand Moodie/Robertson, with new interlock and curbs on the strip. The goal is to make Bells Corners “drive-through-friendly” in the hope that some of those motorists will stop to graze in our asphalt meadows, especially the ones that belong to the hospitality sector and BIA bigwigs.
It is assumed that the trickle-down affect (for example, extra minimum wage serving jobs) of this car-centric strategy will lift all of our boats, even those of average residents. What do you think?

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1 Response to a flawed strategy?

  1. margaret says:

    staples has been in BC 15+ years ???
    no way were they here before winners

    eliminating or reducing development charges …. surely that’s only for new buildings
    we’re looking for something for the old
    and the suggestion of ‘free-for-3’ store fronts sounds like a good idea – it’s wasted space anyway if it’s not rented so why not give it away for a trial
    however they still have the BIA tax to pay 🙂
    maybe landlords should be given an incentive by getting a rebate on that if they offer free space

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