local whines

Since I feel like a grumpy old man today I’ll let off some steam by whining a bit:

I saw this guy riding his trike down the strip and a truck driver gave him a good blast of the horn: “GET THE HECK OUT OF MY WAY, I’M IN A HURRY!” This cyclist rides legally in traffic and he gets abused. He rides on the sidewalk and he gets fined. Sad.

Speaking of trikes – here’s a home-made creation that Recyclore uses to pick up donated bikes and transport scrap metal for recycling. You can attach a trailer and augment pedal power with electrical-assist if you’re hauling a heavy load.

These kids helped make their own cargo-bike at Recyclore.
Back to the griping – I guess the lights are nice but the retro look sure clashes with the brutalist design of the rest of the property.

Brand new concrete post at the Double-Drive-Thru-Drugstore – already looking shabby.

It seems like a dumb idea to plant a towering sign right by the front door, since it would hide the other illuminated signs. How many signs do you need, anyway – isn’t it clear at a glance that this is a Rexall?

This is another dumb place to put a huge sign – it takes out a valuable parking spot, is butt-ugly and will cause the snow plowers grief.


These people went to a lot of effort to put up an expensive fence beside Bells Corners shabbiest path, but as soon as they repair the damage the vandals strike again.

If they don’t remove it at their cost the City can fine them.

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