Stephen Harper in Bells Corners

The prime minister was recently spotted in Bells Corners.

What could possibly have brought him to the “armpit of Ottawa?” Why head down the Queensway to visit the community that Randall Denley of the Citizen, and many others, love to mock?

A meeting with the bigwigs at General Dynamics, Bell’s Corners largest employer, to discuss weaponry? Good guess, but no.

Just driving through on the way to see a Sens game? Nope, he’s a Calgary fan.

A secret meeting with Rick Chiarelli in the parking lot behind the soon-to-be-demolished Tim Hortons? Maybe.

A quick slice at Bells Corners’ most famous pizza joint? Or some prime Alberta beef at Al’s Steakhouse? You’re on the right track.

Just dropping in for a chat with famous Bells Corners politician RustyBaird? You’re getting warm.

A photo op at the soon-to-be-completed giant mosque? Warmer!

Put all the clues together (Bells Corners food, local politicians, religion) and what do you get? One more hint:

answer Harper was here with his trusted sidekick Pierre Poivrière for the opening of the Emmanuel Alliance Church, which I think is a Chinese Christian sect, on the site of the old Dairy Queen.

I can’t say I’m a big fan of the architecture – the soon-to-be-completed giant mosque promises to be much more graceful.

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2 Responses to Stephen Harper in Bells Corners

  1. Rich Littleton says:

    Emmanuel Alliance Church splintered off from the United Church of Canada, when the United Church got too gay for their tastes. Hey, it’s a free country!

    I thought it was just a Chinese version of Christianity. It’s not too bad inside but the outside is kind of boxy. I wish the old Dairy Queen was still there for its sentimental value. The architecture was tacky but interesting, not generic and soulless like the new Dairy Queen beside the doomed Tim Hortons.

    • Silly people says:

      You got information wrong. It’s the Chinese Christian Church of Ottawa that split from Chinese United Church.

      By “Chinese version” of Christianity – do you mean Christians speaking Chinese?

      And interesting misspelling of Pierre Poilievre…”Poivrière”…

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